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IST Annual Meeting 2016 - Alternatives in Toxicity Testing: Reduce, Replace, Refine

The Irish Society of Toxicology Annual Conference for 2016 took place on Thursday November 24th. The meeting was hosted in conjunction with the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, at the UCD Conway Institute. A series of excellent talks from a range of speakers from across Ireland and the UK were warmly received by the large audience in attendance. Special thanks to Prof. Edward Locke, who traveled from Liverpool Johns Moores University to deliver the Philip Chambers Lecture, Assoc. Prof Breandan Kennedy from UCD, Dr. Eileen Lane from AIT, and Dr. Michelle Giltrap from DIT.

Congratulations to Mr Iain Murray (AIT) who was awarded the "Iona Pratt Medal for Excellence in Toxicology" for his poster on 'The Ecotoxicology of Silver Nanoparticles'

Photos of the event are available on our Facebook Page

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